Thank you for stopping by to view my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy sharing my favorite thing to do.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My First Post About Making Chocolates

I am so excited for this opportunity to share my most favorite thing to do. That is making chocolates anyway that creates a beautiful and edible product. My now adult son will be happy to tell stories of standing at the kitchen sink washing bowls and utensils as I make my way through piles of chocolate disks, caramel, coconut, recipe books, chocolate molds, recipe cards etc. Everyone that sees my chocolates or tastes my chocolates responds with "you made these". I smile and say yes. I enjoy making them as much as I enjoy the satisfaction of friends and family enjoying them. I love working from scratch as much as is reasonable. No, I am not going to make the chocolate from the cacao bean. Let me be clear, I am not a professional, no training other than trial and error in my kitchen. My goal is not to impress, but to share and gain knowledge on making one of my most favorite treats. Please stay tune for pictures and recipes and fun in the kitchen. I am ready to put my inner chocolatier out there for all of you.


Tamara Moody said...

I loved it - the post and the chocolate heart that my little stinker helped make. The receipe is so simple even I got make the chocolate heart and baking is surely not my thing. Thank you for sharing!!!

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