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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dipping and Gifting (Day 7)

Mendiants, a small chocolate disk topped with pieces of candied or dried fruits and nuts. I am sure you  are going what?  It is simply a fine quality of chocolate melted and placed in a small circle on parchment paper with fruit and nuts added. I think I just repeated myself. It is my understanding that this is very European.  I have been doing this for years to use leftover melted chocolate when I was done with a project. Now I find out that it is very chic and Euro. The finished product is also very pretty. The chopped fruit and nuts on white or dark chocolate are very inviting. Today I chose to add candy sticks to my little circles to make chocolate pops. Easy is almost not adequate to describe how simple it is to make these candies.   You can vary the topping to accommodate your tastes. Children enjoy doing this.

4 ounces best-quality chocolate (white, milk, OR dark),

Nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds, pine nuts, cashews, or others)

Dried fruits (do not use fresh, canned, or frozen fruit)

Line a baking sheet with or use parchment paper 

Place a tablespoon or teaspoon of the melted chocolate onto the parchment paper creating
a circle. Add your choice of topping. Only do 10 or 12 at a time. The chocolate needs to be soft
enough to press the fruit and nuts into the chocolate.

Assorted  fruit and nuts

Final mendiants

Without candy stick, add your favorite dried fruit and nuts

With candy stick, add your favorite dried fruit and nuts


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